The Future of Automotive Technology: From Connected Cars to AI Assistants

Automotive technology is advancing at a rapid pace bringing us connected cars and AI assistants that help organize our day and remind us of our cars’ needs.

Eventually, most of us expect our cars to drive themselves with us in the rear seat. Until this time, we can simply enjoy the various ways that cars are becoming more advanced and connected to give us the quality drive desired. These advancements make it easy to experience the future of automation in the automotive world.

Here are some ways that top automakers are already working to create better connectivity in our cars.

The robotic voice must go

How many remember yelling at your car as part of the voice command structure? If you didn’t clearly annunciate every syllable of a word, the voice recognition software would get thrown off and couldn’t understand your commands. A better voice user interface is necessary for the advancement of this technology. Drivers should be able to speak in a conversational tone, mispronounce a few syllables, and still expect the software to understand what’s required.

In many ways, automotive technology has already begun to give us better systems to help us on the road. Some people drive to work by themselves and the only interaction encountered during this time comes from the car they drive. An Advanced Automatic Speech Recognition package can help make this much easier. This could bring you answers to your need without actually engaging the system of the car. Instead of saying “Hey Toyota” or “Hey Mercedes” if you were to simply utter “I’m hungry” the car could tell you how many restaurants are in the area. Of course, this could be problematic for parents with kids that might try to take advantage of the situation.

Cloud connectivity brings your home and car together

This technology has been enjoyed by many using third-party platforms including Alexa and Google. The automotive technology already in place can bring your smart home platforms to your in-car experience. In addition to linking your smart home accounts to your car, you might enjoy the ability to unlink some of them and then link them again when desired.

Some of the benefits of this aspect of connectivity and AI assistants is the ability to have your home controlled from your car and vice versa. Did you forget to lock your doors? Is your home set to the right temperature while you’re away? Did you forget to turn off the stove? These assistants, with the right devices, can scan the inside of your refrigerator and help you know what you need to get at the grocery store.

On the flip side of this, while you’re at home your smart home can tell you when your car needs an oil change or other services performed. These paired items allow you to be connected and enjoy the information your home and car can offer without the need to keep reminders with you at all times.

More information that you use every day through advanced automotive technology

It’s important to have the most updated navigation data when traveling. If you can avoid a slowdown because of an accident, don’t you want your car to help you do this? This isn’t the only important information you’ll find. Your car can also give you the weather along your route, news information, bring up podcasts, change radio stations, and tell you where restaurants and gas stations are located. This makes your driving experience much easier, but to allow this, your connected car needs to have a library of data to utilize.

The best part of automotive technology giving us connected cars and AI assistant features is making our driving experience much better than before. This can be a more entertaining ride with the right music, comedy, podcast, or news story. It can also help you pick the right restaurant and make a reservation when possible, check the latest sports scores, or helping you compile a shopping list based on your project or grocery needs. The entire goal of these technology-based advancements is to make your experience behind the wheel much better than before.

How will automotive technology continue to improve your driving experience? Has it already entered your world with better navigation features and information? Will your connected car help you be comfortable at home and vice versa? Are you using an AI Assistant to organize your day and make you more efficient?

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