If you’ve got several miles to drive to work every day, you need to own one of the best cars for long commutes. The right car can make this drive more enjoyable.
Prius – Still the Least Stolen Car
For years, Honda’s Accord has been one of the most stolen cars in the United States, and not the new ones either, nineties models are a hot commodity on the theft scene. In certain cities, cars are stolen on a daily basis, chopped up, and sold for parts. However, one car remains remarkably low on …
Safest Hatchbacks for 2015
Hatchback vehicles have become extremely popular choices for families and singles that are generally up can coming, but make great vehicles for any generation or classification of owner. With normally higher fuel efficiency than most other vehicles, hatchbacks can save owners lots of money at the gas pump as well as offering some cargo space …
2014 Green Cars to Save Money at the Gas Pump
As gas prices soar to heights never seen before fuel efficiency seems be a top priority when searching for a vehicle. Add to that the approaching end of the 2014 model year and the fuel sipping menu of cars should offer excellent incentives for pricing and for financing. Here is a great list of the …