Car Dealership Service

It’s easy to see car dealerships simply as a place to buy a new or used car. It’s easy to think this way since the dealer’s entire inventory is front and center on the lot. The reality is that car dealerships offer much more than the machines in their showrooms.

This fact is especially important during a time when auto inventories are down, and customers aren’t coming in to browse around as much.

If you’re one of the many car dealerships experiencing a reduction in traffic due to low inventory blues, it’s time to focus on your fixed operations. People still need their local car dealership, even if they’re not necessarily shopping for a new ride.

Service Specials

In an age when replacing your car isn’t easy, drivers want to ensure that their current rigs keep running for longer. That’s where your service department comes into play. Drivers still need regularly scheduled maintenance, and many are willing to consider high-cost repairs as a way to avoid having to compete for a new car.

This is the time to remind your clients that keeping a car well-maintained means keeping it on the road longer. You can also run specials to encourage people to schedule. These promotions could include creating packages that help get a car ready for winter, checking the air conditioning before it gets too hot in the summer, etc.

Parts Matter

People who take on repairs at home still need to buy parts. It might be tempting to go down to the local auto parts store and get whatever third-party widget has the lowest price tag. Of course, you know that using the right parts is a better investment in the long run.

Remind your customers that you also have factory parts in stock and that these parts are made for their cars.

Top Dollar Trade-Ins

Because there is such a high demand for new and used cars right now, your dealership can keep customers coming in by keeping a well-stocked inventory. While you’re probably already attending every car auction in town, you can also market to your audience.

Drivers who are looking to make an extra buck or unload an old car are perfect candidates to make a deal. Because you know that used cars are in high demand, you can offer a competitive price for someone’s pre-owned vehicle. With a little work in your shop, you can flip that car and sell it right away for a nice profit.

Be Creative

Look around your dealership and consider all of the things you offer that don’t involve buying new or used automobiles. Different car dealerships have various other goods and services that they offer. Some might have a car wash, while others offer towing services or rental options.

Keep in mind that once you get a customer in the door, you can introduce them to your dealership and hopefully earn a customer for life.

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